Sunday, 6 June 2010

It Continues

Today I went up the Drive to a garage sale advertised on Craigslist and walked away with an Aristotle book. I most definitely would not have gone in thinking "I really need some ancient philosophy today," but there was a Britannica set in perfect condition and I couldn't help but get one of them.

I also got a small TV to replace the ratty one that came with my room, and got a couple nick knacks including a nice cup/jar thingy to put loose change, a small delicate vase to put single flowers in and some hangers. I also arranged to pick up a towel rack tomorrow. That one costs $10 but it can be used as a small clothes rack and that is actually something I need as I don't like to use the dryer after washing my clothes. At the moment, some articles of clothing are spread out on my carpet to dry, and that is definitely not ideal!

This blog could be all up on current events and edgy, but I prefer getting stuff like my Craigslist excitement/angst out on here. I'm actually in the middle of writing the article for the Showstoppers tribute show I went to this week -just taking a break after spending a considerable amount of time going through and editing the photos.


The weather was really nice today! Went for a run at Trout Lake and even though the sun didn't quite seem like a summer sun, it was so beautiful; if anything because it was so nice just to see so many people enjoying the outdoors and being active!

Thursday, 3 June 2010


I've pretty much been living on Craigslist for the last couple of weeks.

After moving into my new room, and having it be the first place that's really "mine," it's so exciting to add stuff to it! This morning I got a hat and wine rack, candle holders and a coat rack while this evening I got a matching Ikea lack side table to one I got last week.

Not that you needed to know any of my specifics, but yeahhh, exciting! Haha. My room is so comfy looking now. The corner has an Ikea Poang chair with a PERFECT little table to go beside it. This table was being sold on the Drive by a woman out of her van. It's just perfect.

Once my boyfriend's mom gets back from her roadtrip down to Mexico, I'm going to replace one or both of my dressers, and get a sofa chair for the living room -just don't have the capability to get larger items right now. I think I'll replace the coffee table as well. Those items always go for free because people don't want to have to move them, or can't. I did spend money having a couch delivered the other day... It isn't as great looking in person as in the ad so I was somewhat disappointed, but it's just underneath that isn't great, the couch came with a nice cover, and it's what the eye sees that counts so I'm ok about.

And, will be getting some free books tomorrow! The guy has some by Leon Uris, who I've read QB VII, and I love it. Great author; the book was so moving.

I'm still occasionally opening up the job links, but I think I'm going to relax now that I got my HMV job. I could make much more if I get lucky enough to land a hostessing job (I don't think there's any chance I will get a serving job in this city), but it takes a lot of time to send out C.V.'s to places off of there after browsing it, or to go in person if they don't accept via e-mail. At least I have something for now and can breathe a little bit.

I know everyone else cares as much about the detail of my Craigslisting as I do, so I hope you have enjoyed this post! :P